So I'm a computer nerd by trade. I repair and update computers on a daily basis. 3/31/13 I have decided that I will no longer fix computers with Windows XP or older any longer. What I have found is those people who are still holding on to those computers, are in fact the same people who don't want to pay full price to get their computers fixed. I recently had someone bring me a windows 2000 computer. That's right Windows 2000. That means your computer is about 13 years old. Bruh, you got your moneys worth out of it. It's not like a car where you drive it until it don't work. Your win2k machines doesn't work because it can't do simple things like go online anymore. I mean what you want me to do with it, fix your Netscape browser? Your dial up connection seems slow now? You can't get your AOL 2.5 chat rooms to open anymore? C'mon dude.. Seriously? Why you wasting my time with this shit? Oh it's slow now? What can we do to fix it? Nigga please. Oh you mean the 10gb hard drive and 128mg of ram isn't doing it for you no more? Dude, people who don't have HD tv think your ass needs to upgrade.
What in the world do you want me to do with this 40lb laptop? I got carpel tunnel just picking it up. And you know these be the same NIGGAS talmbout "wow, how much is it gonna cost me to fix it? Oh can you give me a break" A break? If you don't get your old ass boat anchor and cheap ass out of my face. These are the same people talking bout
1. It's $80? Oh I got $60 can i get that $20 to you next week?
2. Hey can I bring my computer to you to fix it. (After it's fixed) Oh can I pay you on pay day?
3. Wow it's that much? (Still 1/4 of what geek squad would charge you)
4. Oh do I get the friend discount?
5. Can I give you this watch as collateral?
Sunday, March 31, 2013
I can't in 2013
Posted by SOULBRUTHA at 3:51 PM
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