Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So me and the fellas meet up for happy hour for drinks. The place is a hangout for many people that work for the city as well as a teacher hang out. We are sitting there having a round and having a good time and speaking to the many people that we know in this bar.

After everyone had purchased a round a drink we are finishing up the last little bit of our drinks before all three of us head out. In the back of the bar one of the secretaries at our job spots us and makes a B-line right for us. She has a thing for my boy Alberto and putting her flirt in motion. The people she was with were leaving and we were hoping that she was also. She notices that our drinks are low and flags down the waitress and orders another round.

Now we are thinking, damn that was cool of her. Maybe we were wrong to think she was some annoying hairy lady trying to get in Alberto's pants. She walks away towards the restroom and we start giving Alberto shit for her hanging on to him the way she was. We are sitting there laughing and having a good time so none of us notice the waitress walk up and start sitting drinks in front of all of us. We also didn't notice that his b*tch (excuse my language ladies) eased up and out of the bar leaving us to pay for this round that she ordered.

WTF is that shit? Did she think we looked thirsty? I've been told I look a lot of things but thirsty aint one of them!!


oNe mAn gAng said...

LOL...I'd have a nice ziplocked shit-sandwich for her bright and early the next workday morning. "compliments of the Chef..."